VR Porn for beginners

Watching porn videos on free videos sites can be extremely repetitive
and boring. How many times men have passed time in bed with their
tablet or laptop on, watching porn videos from their best pornstars? This
happens every day.

For you guys who are interested in trying something new, something
more exciting and realistic, Virtual Reality porn (or simply known as VR
porn) is the way to go.

Virtual Reality has been around for at least a couple of years, initially in
the video games space, however it has been applied also to the porn
industry. This way of watching porn, allows you to immerse yourself into
the porn video, to interact with your favorite porn star and makes you
feel like it’s YOU in the actual movie.

It’s definitely much more fun and realistic. But how to watch VR porn?
For you guys that don’t know, VR porn can be watched by using any VR
headset available in the market today. From the cheap Google
Cardboard to some of the most expensive headsets that cost close to

One headset that stands out and that definitely won’t break your bank
account is the Iris VR headset by PVRmall.com . This headset has been
designed specifically to watch VR porn, it’s very well designed and neat
(all white), it provides an amazing streaming quality and it has a battery
life of 3 hours. It’s very comfortable to wear. Some headsets never sit
that well on a person’s head and the Iris doesn’t disappoint. The device
costs $199, so half the price of some of the most expensive headsets out
there such as the HTC Vive and PSVR.

On top of that, by purchasing the Iris headset, you’ll also be provided
with free videos through their sister site PVR.fun which is basically a
library of free VR porn videos from the major VR porn producers in the
market today. Keep in mind that watching VR porn on free videos site is
not that much fun, simply because free sites like Pornhub, Xhamster or
Xvideos don’t have the technology to back these high tech videos.

PVR.fun will save you money on VR porn subscription sites, since their
library have pretty much all the new VR porn releases and you’ll be able
to find there your favorite porn stars.
So if you interested in trying something new and have fun, get the Iris VR
headset today from PVRmall.com. You won’t regret it.