Johnny Sins Busts Porn Myths

You Won’t Want To Become A Pornstar Now!

You have heard all the myths before and they made you want to become a pornstar. Johnny now busts your dream bubble on SinsTV‘s youtube channel.

Ok, first question.

Do Male Pornstars Make Less Money Than Females?

It’s true and false. Males come into the business earning a lot less. Johnny started working for free and had no problem doing that. What kind of guy would have a problem with that? 🙂

What most determines your rate though is how you sell for companies. If you shoot a scene for a company and it sells really well, then they will pay you a lot more money.

A male pornstar’s rate depends on three things:

  • The size of his dick
  • Whether he is reliable or not
  • Experience in the business
Do Male Pornstars Have To Do Gay Porn First?

False… Johnny has never done gay porn before. Where the myth first started is from the fact it is just much easier to get into porn by starting in gay porn first. Gay porn is always looking for new guys.

Are All Pornstars Walking STD’s?

False. Pornstars get tested every fourteen days for things including gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, HIV etc. This is industry standard and has been for a long time. And this testing system works…

Are There Fluffers On Set?

Definitely not. Johnny has never seen a fluffer on set but wishes there were 🙂

Are All Male Pornstars On Drugs or Coked Out?

Mainstream television and movies portray porn as being where you turn up to set and there are drugs everywhere and naked girls all over the place. This is false. It is a very professional business and timed out. People don’t want to be on set all day. Also when on coke you will know that your dick doesn’t work the best, which isn’t good when your dick is your job.

Have All Pornstars Being Abused Or Molested As Children?

This is far from the truth. Some of the stars just love sex. Sadly there are some in the industry that have had bad things happen to them when younger, but this is true about some people in all industries.