We all know Reddit is the top free porn site but maybe you are only seeing blurry pics and videos and not seeing porn? Well to activate NSFW it’s very simple. Here’s how:
Click on your profile and select user settings.
Next go to the profile tab, it’s next to account and before safety & privacy.
Scroll down till you see NSFW. It will say This content is NSFW (may contain nudity, pornography, profanity or inappropriate content for those under 18).

Click the toggle bar to the right of that. The bar will turn blue when it’s on. You want it blue 🙂 to see the porn 🙂

It will then automatically save your setting.
You then want to click feed settings, still under user settings and make sure adult content is turned on and safe browsing mode is off. This will give you your best porn experience 🙂