Best Extreme Porn and Gore Porn Sites

This Is For You Crazy Sickos

Some of you are into some very nasty shit. It was difficult for us to build this list for you but it’s the things we do to win the spot of the best porn review website online today.

Ok, let’s get into it.

First of all…. A disclaimer! We take no responsibility for any mental damage visiting any of these websites causes you. They are over the top EXTREME so be warned.

Kaotic is full of graphic uncencered videos, sick gore death vids including people dieing in car crashes, from being shot and stabbed. There are people being burnt to death from fire. There are also hardcore anal fucking videos too.

Many uncensored videos of people being shot and stabbed. There are teachers fucking students. There is a guy filming his own fatal crash. A man being shot dead from throwing a brick at a police car.

Guess what is on this website? Yep, you guessed it, CRAZY SHIT. And they ain’t lying.

Heaps of crazy and shocking gory porn videos and real incest porn.

Efukt (Most active)

Bestgore (Shutdown)

Liveleak (Shutdown but mostly archived via wayback machine)

Documenting Reality (Pay wall)

Runthegauntlet (Mostly gross shit) (Old school gore forms layout hard to navigate)

Rotten (Outdated)

Shockgore (Shutdown) (Outdated)

Itemfix (Mostly Accidents a shitty replacement for liveleak)

HorribleVideos (Most active)

Heavy-R (Mostly Porn)

leakedreality (Shutdown)

Imgur (Mostly for third party inks) (Shutdown)

BestGore.Fun (New version of bestgore)

Goreflix (Outdated and mostly porn)

Deadhouse (Ads Spamming)

Horriblevideos (Most active)
