5 Ways To Stay Safe On Adult Sex Sites

One of the biggest safety concerns, for many people, is the use of online adult-oriented websites.
Internet sex sites are notorious for spam, annoying pop-ups, and a lot of anonymous individuals who are
pretending to be someone or something that they’re not. However, these sites are also useful to those
who seek them, and have a lot to offer so long as you use them safely.

Part of the attraction of online dating and adult sex websites is the anonymity– some people feel safer
being anonymous, while others enjoy the thrill of hooking up with strangers. Unfortunately, this
anonymity is often the cause of serious safety risks, virus threats, and other potential dangers. Make
sure that you know all of these risks and how to stay safe to make the most of your use of adult sex
sites. Keep reading for tips on Internet safety and how to avoid becoming yet
another horror story of the internet.

Tip #1: Assume nothing and trust no one.

In case you forgot that the internet is full of pretenders and people who say they’re something or
someone they aren’t, we’ll remind you again. The number one rule of staying safe on adult sex sites is to
be cautious. You can’t just assume that sites are safe or that people are who they claim to be, and you
certainly shouldn’t buy into some hype that sounds too good to be true– it usually is.
There are plenty of safe, legal, and user-friendly adult websites out there. They are available for sex and
hookups, dating, adult videos, skype sex, and so much more. Just like anything you do online, you need to make sure that you choose reputable sites and do your homework before you get too involved. You might only end up getting scammed by someone pretending to be a 45-year-old housewife, but you could risk your personal information and even legal trouble if you aren’t careful with adult sex sites. These aren’t your average websites and there’s a lot more at stake.

Tip #2: Do NOT offer personal information in a public forum.

Again, we shouldn’t have to keep repeating this information, but the growing convenience of technology
is often causing a lot of people to feel more secure than they should in the online realm. Just because
your passwords and debit cards are protected by your fingerprint on your smartphone doesn’t mean
that someone can’t access your information virtually. Don’t give out any personal information or
identifying details on a public message board or forum unless you want to have it fully exploited by the
less-than-credible visitors looking for an easy crime.

Tip #3: Don’t click that!

Pop-up ads and banners are mostly just annoying marketing ploys. Sometimes, however, they can be
attached to viruses or other spam that can create a lot of problems for your computer and your personal
information. If you’re on a trusted site, you have less to worry about. However, adult sex sites are often
the target of many nefarious practices, so you should exercise much more caution here than you would
on a regular website.

If someone sends you a link, don’t use it unless you know:

A: Who sent the link
B: Where it leads
C: That your computer or smartphone is protected from spam, malware, and viruses
If you want to be extra safe with links, personal information, or other issues, consider using a Virtual
Private Network (VPN) and/or an incognito browser.

Tip #4: Use a prepaid debit card if you intend to pay for videos or other services.

Some adult sites require you to pay for services, videos, or even membership fees. To be safe, you
should invest in a prepaid debit card that you can reload with only the funds that you need for adult sex
sites. To extend your efforts against hackers, change all of your online shopping habits and only use
prepaid cards anytime you are going to shop online.
Thanks to technology, there are literally dozens of different prepaid debit cards available, including ones
that you can use online without needing the zip code validation that many modern credit card
processing services require. You can also use secure portals like PayPal or Paxum (for websites that offer this option) to pay for membership fees or other services on adult websites.

Tip #5: Ask for ID or proof of age before you start sexual conversations.

Everybody lies. It might put a damper on your “mood” to vet someone just to enjoy a little dirty talk, but
if you don’t you could end up walking into a minefield of legal issues if you’re caught chatting with
someone who turns out to be a minor. Even if you’re interested in anonymous connections, you should
still get confirmation that people are of a legal and consenting age before you get into the steamy
You know what’s an even bigger mood killer than asking for proof of age? Being charged with a child sex
crime and having to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life. This might sound a bit extreme,
but it’s really a concern for anyone using adult sites. Just like you can like and say you’re 42 instead of
52, a teenager can easily claim to be someone over the age of 18 and lure you in online. What’s more is
that adult sex sites are being watched now more than ever, due to the increase in sex trafficking reports
and online sex crimes. Through nothing but sheer ignorance on your part, you could create a lot of
problems for yourself if you don’t confirm the age of the people you’re connecting with.

The Bottom Line

Adult sex sites aren’t all bad. They can actually be an enjoyable place for many people. Just remember
that because of the nature of these sites, you have to be extra cautious in your activities. Nothing ruins a
good time like having your personal information hacked or accidentally getting involved in legal issues,
after all. Be smart, be safe, and you’ll be on your way to a good time in no time at all.