Most Realistic Fleshlight

Flashlight? No! It’s A Fleshlight Sex Toy Silly!

Since the title completely gives away our topic for today anyway, let me just say this very bluntly:
Giving yourself a hand job every now and then can feel rather lonely, doesn’t it? Not to mention, it
feels somewhat pathetic too. There’s just something sad about a guy trying to form his palm into a
vagina. Like, man! Can’t I get myself a real one?
Well, some of us don’t get so lucky.

But hey, masturbation is as normal as breathing. It has been practiced by the lonely (and horny)
human race since who-knows-when. Basically, it’s an activity as common as day. People simply don’t
like sharing about it too much. Among friends, that’s completely TMI or “Too Much Info.”
Masturbation is something you do by yourself and enjoy by yourself. On the plus side, it’s nice to
know that there is a way to pleasure yourself without a partner. On the off side, it’s also sad when
you realize that you’re doing it only because you don’t have a partner. Don’t sulk just yet, however.
For all you know, your destined one is coming. She may simply be experiencing some sort of
turbulence so her arrival is pushed back a little. But keep the faith, man. She’ll arrive for sure. But
while you are waiting, you may want to try making things a little more “interesting.” Here are five
facts about masturbation that you probably didn’t know:

But hey, masturbation is as normal as breathing. It has been practiced by the lonely (and horny)
human race since who-knows-when. Basically, it’s an activity as common as day. People simply don’t
like sharing about it too much. Among friends, that’s completely TMI or “Too Much Info.”
Masturbation is something you do by yourself and enjoy by yourself. On the plus side, it’s nice to
know that there is a way to pleasure yourself without a partner. On the off side, it’s also sad when
you realize that you’re doing it only because you don’t have a partner. Don’t sulk just yet, however.
For all you know, your destined one is coming. She may simply be experiencing some sort of
turbulence so her arrival is pushed back a little. But keep the faith, man. She’ll arrive for sure. But
while you are waiting, you may want to try making things a little more “interesting.” Here are five
facts about masturbation that you probably didn’t know:

If you think your sex life is so dry it can be mistaken for the Gobi desert, you’ve come to the right
place. Of course, we’re not going to tell you to go buy yourself a wife or anything disrespectful like
that. We’re sexual creatures – not beasts. We’re good guys just longing for some steamy loving. It’s
not like we just want to play around with whomever. We simply want to find something that can
satisfy our sensual desires up until the right woman comes into our lives. This means that what we’re

looking for isn’t necessarily human too. We can find pleasure in other things, after all. Yes, even in
inanimate objects – like Fleshlights.

What Is A Fleshlight?

What Is A Fleshlight?

This is not a typo I assure you. You read it exactly right. Today, I’m introducing you to fleshlights, not
flashlights. You already know what the latter is.
First, let us understand what this interesting toy is for. But before we begin, I would just like to point
out that there is nothing wrong or lacking with the classic hand job. Many guys like it el naturale.
And if you’re one of those guys, there’s really nothing wrong about your preferences. You’re fine,
alright? Now a fleshlight, let’s just say that it improves that classic experience. It makes everything
feel more surreal or something like that. It lets you experience a whole different world of
masturbation. The entire experience is amplified. Suddenly, masturbating feels more arousing, more
satisfying, and more enjoyable. The excitement of the act is simply enhanced and made for

So, what does it look like?

I believe part of why the fleshlight is named as such is because it does look like a flashlight. At least,
it is shaped like one. It’s got an elongated handle like a flashlight and a head of some sort. The only
difference is that a flashlight actually has a head that lights up when you turn it on. A fleshlight has a
vagina or a “buphole” as its head.

Yes, that does sound weird but that’s the truth. So you must have a vague idea of how you’re going
to use these toys already. But for the sake of setting your dirty mind straight, I’m going to generally
explain how this item is used.

The head of the fleshlight is what you’d call the entrance or the mouth. You can regard this toy as a
fake or pseudo-vagina. If you’re more interested with anal play, there are also models that feature
an anus and not a vagina. So what happens is that you insert Little Johnny into the mouth of the
fleshlight as you would on the real thing. And as you would masturbate, you thrust the toy up and
down rhythmically.


The fleshlight purports to replicate the sensation of a real vagina. It is meant to amplify sexual
pleasure by looking and feeling like the real thing. Some manufacturers really make an effort to
make the similarities more defined. The term “fleshlight” is probably coined because of the device’s
attempt to replicate the sensation of real flesh. If you ask me, it’s a far better alternative to hand and
lotion. Those things can just get old, man. Now, this toy is the future. Add a little lube and find a
good “sexpiration.” The most realistic fleshlight will definitely satisfy your lustful urges.

Aside from fleshlights, there are many other sex or adult toys readily available online. If you don’t
like the handy version, you can buy the human-size model too. But there’s always the danger of
getting caught using it (because it’s too big to immediately hide) if you’re not too careful. And wait,
have you heard of “stress titty balls” as well? They’re like your ordinary stress balls, just in the shape
of boobs. Sounds fun, right?

Anyway, we should really start appreciating the lengths manufacturing companies go to just to keep
our animalistic selves from going berserk. They definitely deserve an A+ for effort. Anyway, if these
items are something you want to try, then go ahead. Feel free to. There’s really no shame in it.
What’s shameful is playing around with other people’s feelings for the sake of sex. At least this way,
you pleasure yourself without harming others. You satisfy yourself without hurting the feelings of
others. And man, that is far, far better than paying anyone to have sex with you.

Again, just hang in there and keep things interesting while waiting for “The One.”