
What is ?

You have probably seen some memes on Facebook and Reddit that reference to the website Well this isn’t an actual website as it is only a landing page. The domain can be purchased on a site like here for a couple of bucks. When the website first started it was just a domain being redirected to various dating affiliate programs. Since then the owner has created a landing page that lets you select a country you are from and if you are male or female.

This allows the website owner to the best converting offer they could possibly offer. This equals maximum return for the owner. For example, if someone from America lands on the landing page and they chose America the link can go to an American dating site with US girls and boys on it. Whereas if someone from the UK lands on the landing page and they chose UK they will go to a UK dating site. This is very smart from an affiliate conversion point of view.

The site gets huge traffic due to the amount of views each meme that the URL is mentioned on gets. Each of these memes goes viral and some for very long periods of time. You can see from the image below just how long and strong the search traffic for the URL is.

Do You Use Fish4hoes When Looking For Dates?

We at Niche Porn Sites recommend you don’t use for your dating needs as there is a good chance you will end up on a scam website. All fish4hoes is after is the best converting offers and not what is in the best interest of their users. This means that they have been known in the past, and most likely still do, link to dating sites that are scams.

Some of these dating sites they link to are full of fake profiles and scam you on that level. Others are just designed to steal your details and/or your identity. You are much better to stick to dating websites that you can trust like the ones we feature on Niche Porn Sites.