The Best Gay Memes

Everyone loves a good meme so we thought we would put together for you some of the best gay ones we have seen online. Let us know if you have a good one that we need to add to this page.

When you get your blanket out of the dryer.

When you get your blanket out of the dryer

When you’re trying to take notes but you can’t read the board.

When you're trying to take notes but you can't read the board

Me: Can I get two tacos.

Taco bell cashier: You want it hard or you want it soft?

Me: Can I get two tacos. Taco bell cashier: You want it hard or you want it soft?

When you go back home and see your friend’s puppy for the first time in a few months.

When you go back home and see your friend's puppy for the first time in a few months

When you unexpectedly find some change in your couch.

When you unexpectedly find some change in your couch

When you don’t get that promotion you were promised, so your co-worker tries to console you.

When you don't get that promotion you were promised, so your co-worker tries to console you

When your mom tells you dinner is ready.

When your mom tells you dinner is ready

When the vending machine finally accepts your bill.

When the vending machine finally accepts your bill

All these great memes were made using snips from some of your favorite gay porn sites. Can you identify any scenes that look familiar above?